Dr.  João  Pedro  Gouveia from  Nova  University  of  Lisbon (Portgual) recently spent a week as a visiting researcher at the Center  for  Climate  and  Energy  Transformation  (CET),  University  of  Bergen (Norway). His reflections are presented here:

Dr.  João  Pedro  Gouveia, the Portuguese  Member  of  the  ENGAGER COST Management  Committee  and a member of WG1  and  WG2  member,  was  enrolled  in  an  STSM  activity  from  the  4th  to  the  11th  of  April  2018  at  CET. Dr.  Siddharth  Sareen  was the  main  representative  from  the  host  institution  engaged  in  this  STSM.

The  primary  aim  of  the  STSM  was  to  present,  discuss,  and  tentatively  improve  the  methodology  for  designing  an  index  to  map  energy  poverty  at  a  high  spatial  scale  resolution,  to  be  used  under  the  new  EU  mandate  for  biennial  reporting  on  energy  poverty  by  the  member  states.  All the  meetings  and  activities  that  João took  part  in  enabled  the  strengthening  of  collaborative  links  between  two  European  countries  and  research  environments  with  complementary  expertise  on  the  governance  of  energy  transitions.

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On  the  10th of  April,  Dr.  João  Pedro  Gouveia  was  an  invited  speaker  at  the  Bergen  Energy  Lab  seminar  titled “Energy,  Measurement  and  Society”. See details of the seminar here. The  seminar  brought  together  participants  from  public  and  private  institutions,  different  countries  and  backgrounds to address key questions about how and why we measure energy, how different measurement approaches interact with energy infrastructures at different scales, and how measurement varies over time and space.

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João’s presentation  entitled  “Designing  an  index  to  map  energy  poverty” focused  on  his research developing  a  composite  index  for  district-level mapping  of  energy  poverty  for  Portugal,  and  the  possible  advantages  of  integrating  smart  meter  data  into  this  index  and  the  approach  to  mapping.

For more information about João’s research see his recent publications:

Gouveia, J.P., Seixas, J. Long, G. (2018) “Mining Households’s energy data to disclose fuel poverty: lessons for Southern Europe” Journal of Cleaner Production. Available online at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959652618300271

Gouveia, JP. and Seixas, J. (2016) “Unraveling electricity consumption profiles in households through clusters: Combining smart meters and door-to-door surveys” Energy and Buildings. Available online at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378778816300421

Read the scientific report from João’s STSM here.