The ENGAGER COST Action (‘European Energy Poverty: Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge Innovation‘) is delighted to announce the third call for Visiting Fellowships (also known as Short-Term Scientific Missions – STSMs). These international exchanges aim to support individual mobility, strengthen existing networks and foster collaboration between researchers. More broadly, STSMs are expected to contribute to the scientific agendas of COST Actions.
In this call, applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis, and will be evaluated at three ‘census dates’ (30th of September 2019, 15th of December 2019 and 28th of February 2020). They will be approved depending on available funds, against a set of fixed criteria outlined in the call document.
Young researchers – including PhD students and postdoctoral fellows – are particularly welcome to apply. Applicants are encouraged to submit STSM proposals on the following topics:
- Compilation and analysis of energy poverty indicators that are synergistic with distributed solar energy uptake (e.g., community energy, domestic and small industrial prosumers, micro-grids);
- Review of accountability mechanisms for just effects of energy transitions on energy vulnerable households with a focus on highlighting innovative new energy poverty indicators;
- Conceptualization of energy poverty indicators that can capture the effects of expanding electric mobility on households in order to recommend new forms of monitoring;
- Policy and practices on pre-paid meters, disconnections and their linkages to energy poverty;
- Linking debates: establishing necessary links between energy poverty and debates that impact energy poverty such as demographic change, gender, or urban planning;
- Right to energy: elaborating the links between activism for a right to energy and the academic debates;
- Energy poverty and trust: explorations of a difficult relation by means of qualitative methods;
- Making smart technologies, renewables, and energy efficiency measures just;
- Evaluation of projects that promote energy efficiency with respect to energy poverty alleviation;
- Tax deduction for energy efficiency interventions vs subsidization for energy efficiency interventions: which practice has better results regarding energy poverty?
- Energy communities and energy poverty: Identifying problems in the current legal framework and proposing improvements.
The duration of a standard Visiting Fellowship is between 5 and 90 days. The award usually covers economy travel and accommodation/subsistence. More details can be found in the call document.
Applicants are encouraged to discuss details regarding the Fellowships (application procedure, STSM objectives, budget, duration etc.) with the ENGAGER STSM Co-ordinator, Dr Nikolaos Katsoulakos (katsoulakos@metal.ntua.gr).
Read more about the scope and the objectives of the ENGAGER 2017-2021 Action.